I wanted to give anyone that reads this that are store owners, teachers, designers, etc. the heads up-the new Ranger U 2008 schedule is out! I've been running Ranger U for going on 6 years...I can't believe it! This will be a new format, with 3 FULL days of education covering ALL of the lines: Perfect Pearls(tm), Melt Art(R) and everything Ink/Embossing/Paint, taught by myself, Suze Weinberg and Tim Holtz. Everything you need to know is in the information provided on the web with the cut off dates for receipt of applications, etc.
I'm really proud of this program and if you have any questions, just reach out to all of the Ranger U graduates and they'll tell you what they think! Or email me, of course.
Don't be shy about giving it a try. I'm looking for those that teach and want to teach more or have a store and want to educate themselves and their employees on what the product lines have to offer!
Okay, enough of the Ranger commercial. This is my blog, but this is also my program which I feel is important, so that's why I'm talking about it!
Inky Hugs to all!
How fun! I need Utee. Argh. Can you do a Utee intensive and call me certified.
Okay maybe I'm certifiable.
Ha ha.
Have fun!
Am really leaving my comment in the wrong place, but I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your assistance with the Bandana Tech! Thanks so very much!
See you real soon Rob... I'm busy cookin.....
Safe travels!
Have a wonderful ARTY trip. Can't wait to hear all the yummy juicy details when you return!!
Be safe & HAVE FUN.
I want what Margot's having.
I can attest to the wicked awesomeness that Ranger U is.
Are you traveling?
Heard you'll be out this way... let me know when!
Ranger U is fantastic! It's listed on Simple Scrapbooks' online survey under the question "what classes have you attended in the past 12 months". Keep up the great course work, Robin!
Have a great trip!!!! Look forward to lots of stories when you return :) And yay for Ranger U 2008! I LOVED Ranger U!
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