NaturallyCaron.com is sponsoring a contest with A.C. Moore-just click on the icon next to me and you'll see what it's all about! Knit or Crochet a baby blanket with Naturally Caron Spa or Country Yarn and send a picture of it to Caron with the usual, obligatory information, and you get a chance to win an A.C. Moore Gift Card. Two Grand Prize Winners, one for Knit, the other Crochet, will win a card valued at $300, two First Runners up, $100 and 12 Runner's up, $25. The "cuddly" part of the contest is that for every entry submitted, Caron will donate $1 to Project Linus. Volunteer "blanketeers" make blankets that go all over the place to hospitals, shelters, etc. to give traumatized, ill children a "hug" by way of a blanket.
I honestly had never heard of this organization until it was discussed with Caron. It turns out my mom is a blanketeer! Now that my mom's retired, she's been crocheting and knitting up a storm when she goes to the beach and at home. She said they were being donated. I didn't know to whom until I mentioned Project Linus and she confirmed-"that's where they are going!"
I've actually purchased some of the yarn and when I was visiting the Holbrook, NY store, that I took a class from Theresa, who showed me the right way to do a fun shell stitch...and every night before I go to bed I get a few rows done. My goal is to get it done and donated with my mom's blankets to Project Linus!
So for anyone who was interested in knitting or crochet or don't think they can do it, believe me, if I can do it, so can you! Take a shot and get some yarn and who knows? You may win and be able to get MORE stuff!

I also wanted to let you know that my bestest of crafty friends, Margot Potter, will be at the Middletown, NJ A.C. Moore store tomorrow, Noon to 2! Stop by, buy one (or all-what the heck!) of Margot's books and let her show you how to do some basic jewelry making. While I may say that I know how to make jewelry, I must confess that last year when I met up with Margot at another book signing, I learned some very good info on how to PROPERLY open and close a jump ring...I actually said out loud, "I didn't know that!", embarrassing myself as usual. So stop by and see what she's up to. Also check out her new blog...click on her name, or check it out on the top of my fave blog list...she is truly the Impatient Crafter, but I must say she just says out loud what all of us are thinking to ourselves, right!?
Okay, everybody...get knitting, crocheting and visiting (Margot!-hey, I'll be there, too!).
Crafty Hugs,
I've really missed your blogging and have been wondering how things are going for you in your new role.
Who loves Robin Beam? I do! I do!
Thank you my friend! Can't wait to see you.
hey robin.... im just sitting here thinking to my self that i miss you nand havent heard from you in a while..... i miss you a lot and i hopwe you are doing well. id love for you to come and teach for us again.... cant wait to hear from u... will wratten
Good read
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