For those of you that have not heard it through the grapevine, I am no longer with Ranger. As of May 20th, I was let go due to a restructure/reorganization of the Marketing and Sales Departments. Needless to say, it's a big change for me! For the first time in my 33+ years of working (since I was 13) I'm without an official job. I so appreciate the opportunity that the owners that hired me 8 years ago, Anne and Vince, gave me, seeing that I had something to offer to the company and the industry...and I will miss working day to day with so many. But, as everyone says, "when one door closes, another opens"...right?
I liked this photo because it shows another door as well as "the light at the end of the tunnel." I'm making my way through! I appreciate the well wishes I've received from those that heard the news.
As most know, moss does not grow under my feet for long. I will be at CHA, demoing with my buddy Inky for Streuter, and there's a few other things that I'm working on that I'll let you know down the line.
Regarding the Bandanna Contest, it is still a go! I will be taking photos and I think that I'm going to change the rules and pick the winner myself....I loved what everyone did. It was wonderful getting such colorful mail during my recovery from my knee!
Regarding my knee, I'm definitely on the road to recovery. Still going to physical therapy and the doctor was pleased with my progress so far. I just have to remember to get up from time to time from my desk, otherwise my knee reminds me of what I did to it the next day! So, lots of iced tea and water...that will force me to take a break, if you know what I mean!
So, if anyone wants to contact me, use the email connected with my blog. If anyone wants to hire me, I'm looking! :-)
Inky Hugs,
Note: I thank everyone so much for your thoughts. For the record, though, while I am still not released from my doctor's care, I had returned to work on Monday, May 19th, after recuperating home for three weeks from my knee surgery.
Robin Beam
Firstly and foremostly, you were an integral factor in the success of Ranger Industries. Everyone in this industry knows that to be a fact. They will be lacking a certain sparkle without you.
You are a Crafty SuperStar and any company would be blessed to have your ingenuity, creativity, talent, moxie, chutzpah, drive, focus, intellect and fantabulosity on board. I do believe that doors close and new doors open and chaos arrives just when we need something to push us through. Your day is coming my friend, I can feel it.
Anything you need, reference, horn tooting, cheerleading, shoulder, ear...you name it, it's yours.
I have a little surprise for you, which I'm half tempted to share now but I think I need to wait until February 2009...
I wish you all things great. I very much enjoyed learning and dishing with you at Absolutely Everything. I don't know what Ranger was thinking...but i'm not in the "industry" so who knows. But i know you will do something fantastic!
Good luck!
aka The Craft Diva
You know I'm your #1 fan! I'd offer ya a job, but oh that's right, I won't have one soon either! We can go through that tunnel together! You bring the snax, I'll bring the drinks. ;-)
I know something wonderful will avail itself to you -- good things happen to good people.
YOU are the reason I applied to attend Ranger U. YOU are the reason I applied to be on their Design Team. YOU would be the first person I'd hire if I had my own company! YOU have altered my life more than you can imagine! I have no doubt whatsoever that you will land on higher ground!
We happen to have lots of doors out west, if you want a vacation, come see me! We'll go explore and see what we can find! You know, Colorado IS "higher ground". :o)
Wow, Robin, what a shock! I hope that you're being well taken care and that this transition won't affect the quality of care for your knee. As a current lawyer to a former one, you'll understand when I say my antennae always vibrate when someone is reorganized out while they're on disability leave. But hopefully that's just my overzealous instincts!
On a happier note, glad to hear that you're moving forward. You know I think the world of you!
Lots of bandana-ed hugs,
(Maria Ontiveros)
Robin, when I went to CHA, you, Margot ad Chica were the people I wanted...NEEDED !!!...to meet! I am so honored that I even got a tiny chance to see you there...and I doubt you remember this but you gave me a tiny silver framed locekty type pendant you had made, colored a turquoise aqua--I am not crafty enough to know what it was...but for me it is a talisman and it represents the wonder that is YOU and the magic you create with your incredible intelligence and with your hands. You will have a mew job in a wink of an eye. I know this. I love you, Robin!
Hi Robin,
I was at Rubberbuggy today and Kris told me you weren't with Ranger. I was shocked! Although we have never met, I feel I know you from your episodes on HGTV. I have learned so much from you through TV!!! I am looking forward to hearing of your new path real soon!
God Bless,
Robin Keretzman
Robin - Ranger has lost a foundational stone upon which they stand. I wish them the best in filling the huge hole their "restructuring" has caused.
It was YOU that brought me to Ranger - first as a customer and then as an employee. It was a tremendous opportunity for me to change my entire career path and one that I will be ever grateful for. I remember interviewing with Anne and saying I just wanted to work for a company where I could make an impact. I believe I did that. But NOTHING could compare to the impact YOU made for Ranger.
I can't believe it has been 2 years since I moved on. You will be so surprised when you look back and say the same thing. There are great, wonderful opportunities out there for YOU.
You will be making an impact on another company long before Ranger recovers from the impact of their loss.
I don't know what is going on with Ranger, but they will need to do some serious restructuring without you there!
I can't wait to see what you do next...I know it will be amazing!
I am not terribly knowledgeable about the industry you are/were in, but I'm concerned about your 'reorganization,' particularly when you were recovering from surgery.
I wish you the best.
Evelyn in Oregon
Robin I started to use Ranger Products because of you. My friend in Maine says that she brought Ranger Products into her store, because of YOU. I hear this more and more. We are all waiting to see what you can bring to us in the near future
Good luck on your continued healing. I'm sure a fabulous new exciting opportunity awaits just around the corner for you and your talent!!
Take care and keep us posted of your great new position!
What can I say , Robin, You are the reason I thought to take my teaching in another direction, You are the reason I am going to Ranger U, with out you it will not be what I was hoping for. I was at the stationery Show last month and when Ranger was mentioned in was you they spoke of , it was you who brought Ranger to the masses . I don't know what they're thinking but they have suffered a huge loss. I know that you will take this as a challenge and fly with it. You are an inspiration to me and I will say To Us All...Just read all these comments ...You are truly Loved.
Having left one industry myself, I found that there is life after where we have been! Good Luck and God Speed.
You will never have to look back!
Linda Cain
you are missed sweetie!
I have no doubt that someone with your talent will find the next door to be wonderful. Sometimes we have to be forced to open the door but are pleasantly surprised.
I'm so sad to hear that you aren't with Ranger anymore. I always enjoyed seeing you at the Ranger booth at CHA. You brought such energy & spark to the booth. I will always remember Ranger U last May with you & Tim. I think you did a super job at Ranger. What are they thinking?!!
I'll look for you at CHA.
I'm sure a new opportunity will present itself. It's a amazing how a push can bring us to new & better places. Good Luck!
Robin, I'm so glad to hear that your recovery is coming along well. I am gobsmacked that you were "let go" by Ranger. They have made a monumental mistake. But I have no doubt that you will go on to bigger and better things - your talent is amazing!
Thanking of you,
I was so glad to see your blog today!
May your new door open to many wonderful opportunities. I lost a first career after 18 years. It was hard at first but now I'm in a much happier place with no regrets.
You are a great talent and a caring generous teacher. I wish you all the best. I love your blog; keep us posted on your new adventures.
I am so glad to hear that you will be at CHA!
You are a great inspiration to me. I love your work. I loved the video you did for Ranger on the bandanna technique at CHA. I'm glad to hear you are continuing the contest because I want to see all the entries. I couldn't enter because I couldn't find the pen in the stores anywhere and refused to pay more for shipping than the pen. Would it be ok if I'll try it with a white Souffle pen since you're not at ranger anymore???
I can't say it enough, You are a great inspiration to me. I love your work. I will continue visit your blog. Good Luck with the tunnel and all my best wishes for a speedy recovery!
You were a wonderful asset to Ranger. You helped me so much with product needs and questions. I see even better opportunities for you in the future.
You go girl!!!
I hope that whatever comes your way next is an adventure! I really enjoyed your class at Absolutely Everything in Topsfield, MA and hope that you continue sharing your creative ideas! GOOD LUCK!
Robin - your talent and energy will be missed at Ranger but someone else will be very blessed to have you. I wish you much success where ever this takes you. I am sure you will not only land on your feet but it will only strengthen you.
You always have a place to teach at our store, we would hire you but we don't pay very well!!
Scrappers Cove
Love ya, Robin.
You are a smart one!
Robin, I am just shocked. You opened me up to stamping and has been a good friend since then! I know you will do awesome in whatever is to follow! What a stupid mistake Ranger has made! But a blessing for you. It will shine through soon
Janie Slaughter
Robin...well, you know how much I think of you!! I am VERY disappointed in Ranger's decision but I know there will be BETTER opportunities for you! I cannot wait to see you @ CHA btw! Many, many good wishes in your next endeavor! xoxoxo
Hey Robin
Goggle "Robin Beam" and you represent the 1st 8 pages (yes 8 pages) of that name. Now THAT is something you should be so proud of! And something Ranger should be ashamed of letting go of!
You go girl!
Robin -- You were a driving force for Ranger. You promoted their products with real heart. Through your educational programs, I became a very dedicated Ranger consumer and teacher. With your kind personality, amazing crafting abilities, and the smarts to go with it all, you won't be unemployed for long. Best of wishes to you! -- Kriss
I am saddened to hear the news. They have lost a cornerstone in the company. I don't see how they could get rid of a person so dedicated to their company. Best of luck getting through that tunnel and opening that new door of opportunity. I too am doing that tunnel right now (but my is with my husband). I believe that looking back I will be better than I am today and realize that this is the wonderful opportunity I have been given. I hope to take more classes from you in the future too. Just post where an when and I will be there rooting you on!
Hang in there the good guys always come out on top. Have enjoyed your web site and where ever you go we will follow.
Hi Robin,
I just heard the news. I want you to know that I will so miss seeing you with Ranger. I have nothing but the BEST memories of you and all that you did with Ranger. I have no doubts you will SOON go on to another fantastic job. Always my friend you are- so thankful, and wishing you much success. Teresa
It will be wierd being at Ranger U with out you. Like others you are the reason I am going. I still look forward to working with you in the future!
See you at CHA,
When I was reading your blog regularly and not seeing much lately....I thought no news is good news...wrong....wow....I admire your attitude and hope for only the best for you. I know you loved your job....everything will be fine. Wishing you all good things to come. Please keep me posted if you do any teaching locally---I would love to take a class--I never did get to go to Ranger U. It's hot out there--keep your windows open and stay away from the tunnel.
I can't believe that Ranger needs to downsize. I alone spend enough money on their products to pay you salery..I love your positive attitude and that will take you far. I am sure that there is something even better through that door at the end of the tunnel.
Keep your chin up and keep us posted.
I guess it's simply on to better things. I hope you start feeling beter soon.
Hey Robin, glad to see you back in blogland! You already know my thoughts on this whole Ranger schamozzle, but I just wanted to say along with everyone else, how much of an inspiration you are. You have helped me, motivated me, taught me, laughed with me, gifted me, and have given me courage when I needed it the most. And that's only me. You have done that for so many people. I'm looking forward to seeing where new doors take you... you deserve the best.
I hope you'll be at CHA Winter 09, otherwise I'll fly on over to NJ and see you and your huge stamp stash. I'm sure you must have another Mr DS beauty in there somewhere!! :) LOL
Robin, I am such a huge fan of your work. I am sorry to hear about your door closing. Wishing you all the sucess that you deserve. Looking forward to hearing of your beautiful window when it opens.
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